
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Hanna)

No. 142

Sir: I am transmitting herewith, for presentation to the Guatemalan Foreign Minister,2 a list of concessions and assurances which the United States is seeking from Guatemala in connection with the proposed trade agreement between the two countries. This list, which is entitled Schedule I,3 should be presented together with an aide-mémoire, the text of which is furnished you in Enclosure 2 of this instruction.

Please take such steps as may be appropriate to expedite the receipt of Guatemala’s proposals and suggestions, and keep the Department fully informed concerning all developments.

Very truly yours,

For the Secretary of State:
Francis B. Sayre

Text of “Aide-Mémoire” To Be Presented to the Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs

Attached to this memorandum is a Schedule listing certain commodities exported by the United States to Guatemala on which the United States is interested in obtaining concessions in connection with the proposed trade agreement between the two countries.

[Page 586]

It will be noted that a considerable number of the items on the Schedule are simply requests to the effect that the Guatemalan Government will not increase the present import duty on the articles in question during the life of the proposed agreement, while requests for reductions in present duties have been made in a number of other instances. It should be pointed out, in this connection, that the reduction in duty requested in the attached Schedule on passenger automobiles and chassis is not regarded by the United States Government as a concession, since the duty on these items was increased by the Guatemalan Government in September, 1934, after the United States and Guatemala had agreed to negotiate the present trade agreement.

The Guatemalan Government’s attention is invited to the notes included in the attached Schedule following items 212–2–05–01, 223–3–03–01,4 428–5–02–01,4 and 493–2–01–06.

In describing the articles in the attached Schedule every effort has been exerted to make the nomenclature correspond as closely as possible with that employed in the Guatemalan customs tariff. Very few departures therefrom were found to be necessary and these have been suggested solely in order to specify with a maximum of exactitude the precise character or type of the commodity or commodities in which the United States is interested in the particular cases concerned. It will likewise be noted that changes in the basis for determining import duty are sought in only three instances, namely, items 212–3–01–01, 471–1–03–02 and 471–1–03–03.

In no case has a preferential tariff rate been requested for products of the United States as compared with similar products from any third country.

The attached Schedule is being submitted at this time in order to give the Guatemalan Government ample time to study these proposals. It is further understood that the Government of the United States reserves the privilege of suggesting such changes in this Schedule as may on further consideration seem desirable prior to their final approval by both Governments.

The United States Government expects in the near future to submit a preliminary draft of the General Provisions which will accompany the Schedules setting forth the concessions reciprocally granted by the United States and Guatemala, and, which, together with the Schedules, will constitute the trade agreement which, it is hoped, will be approved within a short time by the two Governments.

[Page 587]

The Government of the United States is prepared to receive and give serious consideration to any proposals which the Guatemalan Government may choose to present in connection with possible tariff concessions which this Government might grant on products exported by Guatemala to the United States of America and any other proposals which the Guatemalan Government might wish to have considered in connection with the proposed trade agreement.

  1. A. Skinner Klée.
  2. Not printed. On the same date, with instructions Nos. 143 and 144, the Department also sent the Minister in Guatemala a copy of a report on Schedule I prepared by the Country Committee on Trade Agreements with Central America, and a copy of a report on textiles by the subcommittee on textiles. With instruction No. 149, February 8, the Department transmitted a copy of a report entitled “Foreign Trade of Guatemala with Special Reference to Schedule Two,” indicating what concessions it might be possible to offer to Guatemala. (611.1431/87b, 87c, 89b)
  3. In despatch No. 531, February 11, the Minister in Guatemala reported that, as this item did not appear in Schedule I, he had omitted reference to it when transmitting the aide-mémoire to the Minister for Foreign Affairs (611.1431/90).
  4. In despatch No. 531, February 11, the Minister in Guatemala reported that, as this item did not appear in Schedule I, he had omitted reference to it when transmitting the aide-mémoire to the Minister for Foreign Affairs (611.1431/90).