724.3415/4840: Telegram
The Chargé in Chile (Scotten) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:45 a.m.]
55. Department’s 28, May 7, 3 p.m. Cruchaga believes Department’s telegram greatly clarifies the situation and he expresses unqualified approval of the entire telegram and acceptance of every suggestion contained therein. He stated he would confirm his approval by telegrams to the Chilean Ambassadors in Washington and Buenos Aires.
He explained that he had been worried lest the Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs should insist that the preliminary conversations be held at Rio de Janeiro as he was sure that Saavedra Lamas35 would object to this procedure. Furthermore he is glad the Government of the United States will send a special representative as he understands that Bolivia is highly desirous that special representatives be sent instead of the several Ambassadors now stationed at Buenos Aires.
- Carlos Saavedra Lamas, Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs.↩