611.1831/52b: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Costa Rica (Sack)
22. General provisions of proposed trade agreement in revised form will be sent you shortly for presentation to the Costa Rican Government. Pending their receipt it is suggested that you make immediately available to the Costa Rican Government the English and Spanish texts of the general provisions as previously supplied you by the Department, reserving the right to make further changes.
The Department hopes to transmit copies of mimeographed Country Committee report on Schedule I by pouch leaving here tomorrow. Instead of presenting a long list of concessions, the study of which may require several months by the Costa Rican Government, the Department wishes you to make arrangements whereby direct negotiations can be initiated as soon as our material reaches you and an agreement on an ad referendum basis i. e. subject to approval of Department on the best terms obtainable can be worked out as expeditiously as possible.