724.3415/4765: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Chile (Sevier)

23. Your 46, April 13, noon. You may inform Dr. Cruchaga of my deep appreciation of his message. You may add that while a message similar to that addressed to him was sent simultaneously to Dr. Saavedra Lamas, no response has as yet been received by the Department from Buenos Aires. It is understood that Dr. Saavedra Lamas is absent from the Foreign Office and it may be that the delay in receiving a response is due to that fact. You should state further that I feel sure that Dr. Cruchaga will understand that until a reply is forthcoming from the Argentine Government it will be difficult for this Government to take any further steps in the matter.

The Chilean Embassy [Ambassador?] in Washington has not as yet received the instructions from Dr. Cruchaga which, according to your telegram under reference, were to be sent him.

For your confidential information and not for discussion at this time, the Department is by no means certain that it would be desirable to have the proposed representations to Brazil emanate from Washington in the manner suggested by Dr. Cruchaga. It would probably be more satisfactory, should the Argentine Government be in accord with the suggestion made, that communications be addressed to the Brazilian Government simultaneously by all of the mediating governments and by the belligerent governments as well.
