The Secretary of State to the Minister in Panama (Summerlin)22
Sir: Referring to the Department’s instruction of February 15, 1935, announcing the approaching reopening by the United States Bureau of Public Roads of its Panama office, there is enclosed for your further information a copy of a letter, dated March 21, 1935,23 from the Chief of the Bureau of Public Roads to the Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs of the Department of State, concerning the contemplated visit in the near future of Mr. E. W. James of that Bureau to the capitals of Panama and the Central American countries to confer with the highway or other appropriate officials of the Governments of those countries regarding further work on the Inter-American Highway.
You will observe that he expects to reach Panama on or about April 5, 1935. It is understood that he will call at the Legation shortly after his arrival. Please introduce him to the appropriate authorities and show to him such other courtesies and render such assistance in his work as may be possible and proper.
Very truly yours,