714.18/39: Telegram

The Minister in Costa Rica (Sack) to the Secretary of State

12. The following telegram has been sent to Guatemala:

“March 14, 5 p.m. Your telegram No. 9 of March 8, 1 p.m., to the Department.8 The Minister for Foreign Affairs requests that you inform the Guatemalan Government that he is prepared to exchange telegrams on any designated date without specifying the hour. The Minister for Foreign Affairs assumes that the exchange will be made on the basis indicated in the first sentence of the second paragraph of my telegram of February 28, 10 a.m.,9 that is, neither telegram will refer to receipt of request from the other Government, agrément being extended by telegram on the following day.

I will telegraph you name of Costa Rican Minister as soon as designated, probably tomorrow or Saturday.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs suggests March 1810 as a satisfactory date for exchange of telegrams if this is agreeable to the Guatemalan Government. Repeated to the Department”.

  1. See telegram No. 7, March 9, 3 p.m., to the Minister in Costa Rica, p. 237.
  2. See telegram No. 10, February 28, 11 a.m., from the Minister in Costa Rica, p. 235.
  3. The exchange of telegrams regarding agréments for the Ministers took place on March 20.