724.3415/4663: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Chile (Scotten)
13. Your 31, March 22, 5 p.m. Please express to the Minister for Foreign Affairs the Department’s deep appreciation of his friendly courtesy in advising us so fully of the latest developments in the Chaco negotiations. You may further state that as Dr. Cruchaga is fully aware the Government of the United States is keenly anxious to assist in every practicable manner in furthering peace between Paraguay and Bolivia as it made clear only recently in its reply to the Secretary General of the League of Nations when informed of the League recommendations of November 24, 1934. You may further state that this Government will welcome all additional information [Page 23] which Dr. Cruchaga may care to send it as negotiations proceed.
The Brazilian Government has transmitted to the Department the full text of the modifications to the League recommendations as proposed to the Bolivian Government, which, it is understood, were accepted by Paraguay before submission to Bolivia.13 The Bolivian Minister this morning, by instruction of his Government, informed the Department that these proposals have been accepted by Bolivia with only slight modifications. In your conversation with Dr. Cruchaga, you may inquire whether, in his opinion, the amendments suggested by Bolivia are of such a character as to retard agreement between the two belligerents.