724.34119/237: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (Muccio)
26. The Department is advised that the Chaco Peace Conference at Buenos Aires handed to the Bolivian and Paraguayan delegations at a plenary meeting on October 15 a comprehensive plan96 for the solution of the whole Chaco question, together with an explanatory statement in writing. Copies of the proposal and explanatory statement are being sent by mail to La Paz where they will be delivered to the Government by the Argentine Minister on behalf of the Chairman of the Conference; as there is for the moment no Argentine diplomatic representative in Asunción, the same documents are being sent [Page 162] by mail to the American Minister at Asunción for delivery to the Paraguayan Government as coming from the Chairman of the Conference. Ambassador Gibson is sending copies of the documents to you for your information.
Please keep in touch with the Argentine Minister and when you are advised that he has delivered the documents to the Bolivian Government, then call on the Minister for Foreign Affairs and state to him orally, without leaving any aide-mémoire, that your Government believes that this proposal offers a highly satisfactory basis for agreement and that it is the fervent hope of your Government that it may be accepted by both Bolivia and Paraguay, thereby bringing this tragic conflict to a final and peaceful termination. You may add that your colleague at Asunción is expressing identical views to the Paraguayan Government.
- See Report of the Delegation of the United States of America to the Peace Conference Held at Buenos Aires July 1, 1985–January 23, 1989, p. 77; see also “Propuesto del 15 de Octubre de 1935” in Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, La Confereneia de Paz del Chaco 1935–1939 … (Buenos Aires, 1939), p. 751.↩