724.34119/229: Telegram
The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:47 p.m.]
243. From Gibson. My 242, October 11, 11 a.m. In further meeting today Chilean delegation stated Cruchaga has agreed to give his support to the proposal provided it is presented less formally. The chief practical effect of this is that the proposal will not be simultaneously and formally presented in the two capitals.
The final text of the proposal in the form of a draft treaty was completed this afternoon. I shall not telegraph it unless you so desire.
Tomorrow is to be devoted to preparing a memorandum explaining the proposal and the reasons for its acceptance. This document to be handed to the two parties and reserved for publication.
Military Commission has not yet completed its report but early next week the Conference should be able to declare the war at an end. [Gibson.]