724.34119/185a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Gibson)
156. I believe that, in view of resumption of the Chaco Conference meetings at Buenos Aires and the approaching completion of demobilization on September 28 which will call for a declaration by the Conference that the war is at an end, it is highly important for you to return to Buenos Aires so as to be there on or about September 28. I feel that the meetings which will take place at that time may well be crucial in determining whether the Conference will be able to accomplish anything constructive towards the solution of the problems entrusted to it, and I feel that in the interest of our Government as well as in the interest of peace on the American continent it is essential that you, as the representative of this Government, in whose ability and impartiality all the other governments have the utmost confidence, should be present in Buenos Aires in order to make every possible contribution towards a successful outcome. It [Page 143] would be widely commented upon if this Government failed to have an outstanding representative like yourself there at the present time. In the meantime we are giving consideration to the appointment of a second delegate so that you would not be required to remain constantly in Buenos Aires and will communicate with you later on this point.
As regards methods of dealing with the problems before the Conference, I am impressed with the possibilities of Cruchaga’s scheme as reported in your 103, June 25, 10 p.m.,86 and 203, August 27, midnight. I suggest that if, after further conference with Macedo Soares, and if he is in agreement, upon your return to Buenos Aires you and your Brazilian colleague urge Saavedra Lamas to adopt as his own proposal a scheme on the lines of that put forward by Cruchaga with the modifications suggested in your 203, namely, that the International Mixed Commission entrusted with the final solution of the problem be composed of three or five members without representatives of the parties to the dispute, and that the latter be urged to agree in advance to accept the solution presented by the Commission, or at least to agree that in the event the solution presented by the Commission should not be accepted by one or the other party the Commission will be empowered to draw up the terms of the arbitral compromis.
Please cable the date on which you expect to leave Rio de Janeiro for Buenos Aires as I believe it will be helpful to make announcement thereof as soon as possible. In this connection, you will be interested to know that Cruchaga has sent me a personal message through the Chilean Ambassador here to the effect that he believes it would be extremely helpful if you could return to Buenos Aires.
I shall be glad to be informed of particulars regarding the Foreign Office studies mentioned in your 236 September 17, 2 p.m.87 whenever they are available to you.