893.6363 Manchuria/171

The Department of State to the British Embassy

With reference to the British Ambassador’s verbal communication of April 10, 1935,92 in regard to the oil situation in Manchuria, it is noted that the British Government has instructed its Ambassador at [Page 898] Tokyo to send to the Japanese Government a brief written communication to the effect that the British Government is unable to accept as valid the Japanese contentions in regard to the subject under discussion. It is also noted that the British Government cannot but hold those responsible for the Manchuria oil monopoly law responsible also for the losses which it will occasion British interests.

In view of the fact that in reply to the most recent representations of the American Government the Japanese Government, on April 10, delivered to the American Embassy at Tokyo a communication substantially similar to the communication which the Japanese Government on March 25 delivered to the British Embassy at Tokyo, the Department has instructed the American Ambassador at Tokyo to consult with his British colleague with a view to synchronizing and coordinating the presentation by the two Embassies to the Japanese Government of replies which will be similar to one another in tone and in substance.

  1. Not printed.