The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 23.]
Sir: With reference to the Legation’s despatches No. 3355 of February 12, 1935,36 and No. 3357 of February 13, 1935,37 and previous despatches on the subject of the reregistration of land titles at Hankow, I have the honor to enclose a copy of despatch No. 45 of February 12, 1935,37 from the Consul General at Hankow, in which he reports with regard to the assurances received from the Mayor in the matter and requests approval of a proposed communication to be sent to American land holders. The Legation, in a naval radio dated February 18, 12 noon, approved Consul General Josselyn’s draft of the proposed communication with the addition of a sentence to the effect that attempts to impose penalties should be promptly reported to the Consulate General by the interested Americans. A copy of that telegram and of the Legation’s instruction of today’s date to the Consulate General at Hankow are enclosed38 for the Department’s information.
Respectfully yours,
Counselor of Legation