The American Minister in China (Johnson) to the Chinese Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs (Wang)22
The American Legation has the honor to refer to its memorandum addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under date of June 19, 1934, forwarding a list of claims of American creditors against the Chinese Government, and in that connection to enclose a list of twenty-nine additional claims.21 As was pointed out in the Legation’s memorandum referred to above, the list submitted at that time could not be considered as complete and was submitted without prejudice to any other American claims. Therefore, as additional claims are discovered which appear to merit consideration, such as those submitted with this memorandum, they will be forwarded for careful consideration in connection with the matter of the establishment of a Sino-American claims commission.
In this connection, the American Legation would appreciate an expression of opinion from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as to what progress has been made towards the establishment of a Sino-American [Page 755] claims commission and a solution of the entirely unsatisfactory situation now existing in regard to the settlement of claims of American creditors against the Chinese Government.