The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Lindsay)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note No. 89 of April 8, 1935, in regard to the export of arms to China, in which you outline the steps which your Government has taken with a view to obtaining practical uniformity of procedure on the part of all the governments concerned. You state that the replies of the Belgian and Swiss Governments to the inquiries addressed to those governments have been unsatisfactory and express the hope that this Government would see its way to instruct its representatives in Brussels and Bern to support the renewed representations which have been made by the British representatives in those two capitals.
I have the honor to inform you that the Department is instructing the representatives of this Government at Brussels and Bern to cooperate with their British colleagues with a view to obtaining practical uniformity of procedure by all the governments concerned in the matter of the export of arms to China.
Accept [etc.]