893.515/818: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Shanghai (Cunningham)

290. For the Ambassador. Your November 4, 8 p.m.

Please continue to keep Department promptly and fully informed of developments, including the attitude and action of all principally interested governments and their nationals.
For your information. On November 4 the First Secretary of the Chinese Embassy called at the Department and, after citing steps which he understood had been taken by British authorities directed toward compliance by British nationals with the decree of the Chinese Government in regard to the nationalization of silver, inquired what steps the American Government had in mind. Whether his inquiry was made under instruction from his Government Department was unable to ascertain. Reply was made to him substantially along the lines of the statement made by you to Leith-Ross and the statements made by you in response to inquiry (your November 2, 11 a.m. [p.m.], and November 4, 8 p.m.)