The British Embassy to the Department of State
As the United States Government are aware His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom have for some time past had under consideration the question of appointing a financial expert to assist His Majesty’s Representative in China, in view of the financial difficulties at present being experienced by the Chinese Government.
His Majesty’s Government have now selected Sir Frederick Leith-Ross, K. C. B., K. C. M. G., Chief Economic Adviser to His Majesty’s Government to be attached to His Majesty’s Ambassador at Peking as temporary financial adviser. Sir Frederick will leave England at the beginning of August and will be accompanied by Mr. E. Hall Patch, who will act as his assistant.
The news of this appointment is being communicated to the London press on the evening of Saturday, June 8th, for publication on Sunday, June 9th, and His Majesty’s Government request that this information be regarded as confidential until the news has appeared in the English press.
His Majesty’s Ambassador has also been instructed to express the hope of His Majesty’s Government that the United States Government will take similar action as to the appointment of an expert, and should they do so, would be glad to know as early as possible the name of the person who may be selected.