893.00/13310: Telegram

The Counselor of Embassy in China (Peck) to the Secretary of State

129. My 127, December 5, 10 a.m.75

1. It is unofficially reported that as a result of the plenary session this morning the new Government is constituted as follows:

Lin Sen remains Chairman until the convocation of the Peoples National Convention; Chiang Kai-shek is President of Executive Yuan and H. H. Kung Vice President; incumbent heads of Legislative, Judicial, Examination and Control Yuans remain in office; Hu Han-min is named to new office of Chairman of Standing Committee of Central Executive Committee with Chiang Kai-shek as Vice Chairman; Wang Ching-wei is named to new office of Chairman of Standing Committee of Central Political Council with Chiang Kaishek as Vice Chairman.

2. Ministerial posts are reportedly not yet decided upon.

  1. Not printed.