793.94/7050: Telegram
The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 15—11:52 a.m.]
282. The situation remains outwardly quiet, but certain conditions of minor developments have occurred.
Japanese replacement troops, estimated to comprise from 250 to 300, arrived at Peiping June 14th. There have been arriving at Peiping during the last few days unusual numbers of Japanese and Koreans, this being an additional cause of uneasiness locally.
It is reported in today’s press that the Peiping branch Military Council has announced that the Tientsin garrison headquarters has been changed into the headquarters of the Peace Preservation Corps of Tientsin and Tangku. Evidently this furthers the demilitarization of the area from Tientsin to the sea. All of Chiang Kai-shek’s and Chang Hsueh-liang’s troops are now as far south at least as Paoting. This leaves in the northern part of Hopei in addition to Shang Chen’s men some 20,000 northeastern troops under Wan Fu-lin. These troops are regarded as poor fighters and as of doubtful loyalty to the National Government which may explain their continued presence. New groups of Japanese railway guard troops have arrived at various stations between Shanhaikwan and Tientsin apparently as replacements.
Chinese educators of Peiping are much concerned and are seriously discussing the alternatives of removing to the south or closing the five leading universities.
Nanking informed.