765.84/1551b: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham)6a

I appreciate the full and complete information you are sending and I know that you will keep us closely informed of the attitude of the [Page 791] British Government toward events as they develop. In order that I may be in a position, however, to advise the President in connection with the requirement that an embargo on shipment of arms, ammunition and implements of war be declared “upon the outbreak or during the progress of war between or among two or more foreign states,” I am particularly anxious to receive any information which would have a bearing upon the President’s decision as to whether war has broken out or is in progress.

  1. The same, mutatis mutandis, October 3, to the Ambassadors in France and Italy, and to the Consul at Geneva; also a similar instruction on the same date to the Chargé in Ethiopia as telegram No. 63.