765.84/2215: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Ethiopia (Engert)

88. Your 147, October 30, 9 a.m. We are repeating in a separate telegram the text of my reply of October 2692 to the President of the Committee of Coordination of the League in answer to his communication informing me of the action already taken at Geneva. I believe that this text will enable you properly to interpret our position.

With reference to the question raised in the second paragraph of your telegram there is quoted below the statement made by Mr. Norman Davis on May 22, 1933 before the General Commission of the Disarmament Conference at Geneva:93

“In addition I wish to make it clear that we are ready not only to do our part toward the substantive reduction of armaments but, if this is effected by general international agreement, we are also prepared to contribute in other ways to the organization of peace. In particular, we are willing to consult the other states in case of a threat to peace, with a view to averting conflict. Further than that, in the event [Page 778] that the states, in conference, determine that a state has been guilty of a breach of the peace in violation of its international obligations and take measures against the violator, then, if we concur in the judgment rendered as to the responsible and guilty party, we will refrain from any action tending to defeat such collective effort which these states may thus make to restore peace.”

  1. See telegram No. 193, October 26, 2 p.m., to the Minister in Switzerland, p. 852.
  2. See Foreign Relations, 1933, vol. i, pp. 121 ff.