765.84/465: Telegram
The Chargé in Italy (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 9—3 p.m.]
347. My 344, July 7, noon. Insofar as the Embassy is aware no editorial comment has appeared in the Italian press to date on the American note with the exception of the Piccolo issued this noon which states that the American attitude was to be expected in view of the Government’s policy of non-interference in European affairs and that the American Government “realizes the futility of any effort to arrest Mussolini’s resolute and upright action”. The newspaper also intimates that along with the French refusal to join in any action against Italy the American attitude has served to moderate British policy and in conclusion it states that the British still have time to reconsider their position.
Italians, both [apparent omission] and private individuals, in referring to the American note are uniform in their expressions of satisfaction with the attitude of the American Government as set forth therein and are outspoken in their approval of that attitude as compared to that of Great Britain.
Cipher message mailed Geneva.