500.A15A4 General Committee (Arms)/235: Telegram

The American Delegate (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

1034. After 10 days of intensive discussion of various proposals and suggestions the Committee is at present engaged upon the preparation of a draft text for the articles covering the regulation of and trade in arms. In general a single text will figure in the report which reproduces in a fairly satisfactory manner the basic principles and ideas of the American proposal. This text will cover the four chapters of the American plan with the addition of certain general articles elaborated by the Legal Committee. In separate columns there are reservations attached to every important article as well as extensions of some of their provisions. In the main, however, the text which the Committee is now preparing for second reading represents the views of the majority and does not depart fundamentally from our thesis.

The Japanese delegation became vocal at this stage as they have indicated to us would be the case. They associated themselves generally with the British attitude and made frequent reservations regarding quantitative publicity and inspection on the spot.

A public plenary session to close the first reading is set for Saturday morning. Please see final paragraph Mayer’s letter to Moffat, March 30.70

  1. Not found in Department files.