765.84/1397: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

376. May 221, June 21, 11 a.m. The Secretary-General has circulated the text of a telegram addressed to him yesterday by the Emperor of Abyssinia, of which the main points are the following:

The telegram begins: “We ask you to submit the following to the Council”. It then states that in order that there might be no doubt as to the aggression in case of hostilities, the Abyssinian troops were several months ago withdrawn 30 kilometers from the frontier. Reference is made to Abyssinia’s “previously informed [sic] request for the despatch of impartial observers to establish the facts in regard to any aggression or other incident that might occur in order to fix the responsibility therefor.” In conclusion, the Emperor asks “that the Council should take any other precautions it may think advisable” (Consulate’s 375, September 26 [25], 6 p.m., 6th paragraph84).

The British inform me that this communication was sent at their suggestion as indirectly strengthening the Abyssinian position but that it is not designed that the Council take action thereon.

  1. Not printed.