765.84/1332: Telegram

The Consul at Geneva (Gilbert) to the Secretary of State

363. Secretariat this afternoon circulated the reply of the Abyssinian Government to the proposals of the Committee of Five.81 The following is a summary of this reply.

The Abyssinian Government declares its willingness to open negotiations immediately on the basis of the proposals. In this connection it thinks it necessary to explain the interpretation it has given to the suggestions and communications conveyed by the Committee.
The Abyssinian Government notes the principles which have guided the Committee, namely, the respect due the independence, integrity and security of all League members, and the necessity of insuring good relations between member states.
The Abyssinian Government reiterates its firm resolve to abide by the undertakings it assumed on entering the League especially with respect to slavery and the arms traffic.
Abyssinia confirms its application for League assistance and looks upon the Committee’s proposals as a favorable reply thereto for which it expresses thanks.
Abyssinia agrees
That assistance of the League represents a duty to be performed in consequence of the request freely addressed to the League by Abyssinia in the exercise of her full sovereignty.
That this assistance is disinterested and is designed to improve the conditions of the Abyssinian people to develop their natural resources and to enable Abyssinia to live in harmony with its neighbors.
That the assistance of the League must be collective and international.
The Abyssinian Government notes that the Committee asserts the principle that a scheme of assistance can only be drawn up at the request of the state to be assisted and cannot be put into effect until approved by that state.
The Abyssinian Government is highly satisfied at the manner in which the Committee has embodied these principles in its scheme and it emphasizes the recognition of the Emperor’s right to reject any adviser not possessing his confidence.
Abyssinia approves the plan for reviewing the scheme at the end of 5 years, such review to be affected under the same procedure as it was drawn up, that is, by the League Council at the request of Abyssinia and subject to the consent of Abyssinia before any executive action is taken thereon.
Abyssinia may during the negotiations request changes, additions, or deletions to the Committee’s proposals.
Respecting the Franco-British declaration of willingness to make territorial sacrifices to Abyssinia in order to facilitate territorial adjustments between Italy and Abyssinia the Abyssinian Government states that it is prepared to negotiate such adjustments.
The Abyssinian Government notes the intention of France and the United Kingdom in their respective relations with Italy to recognize Italy’s special interest in the economic development of Abyssinia but states that as this intention solely concerns these three powers, Abyssinia for its part will carry out all existing international obligations respecting the treatment of foreigners and foreign trade. In case it should conclude any economic agreements with Italy it would respect all existing treaty rights.
The Abyssinian Government reiterates its readiness to open negotiations immediately.
  1. September 18, 1935; for text of proposals, see League of Nations, Official Journal, November 1935, p. 1621.