500.A15A4 General Committee (Arms)/188: Telegram

The American Delegate (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

1029. Department’s 473, February 26, 2 p.m. At the meeting of the Legal Committee this morning discussion was begun on the Italian amendment (Conference Document CCF 68) relating to suspension of [Page 41] provisions of the convention in time of war and our amendment to article 2 (Conference Document CCF 60) on the same subject. Mayer indicated that while there were doubtless many complications and realistic factors in this question which would have to be taken into account our point of view was that it was desirable to maintain the structure of the treaty in time of war. We solicited the views of the other members of the Committee.

The consensus of opinion of the committee was that the provisions of the convention must be suspended in time of war as regards belligerents and, insofar as nonbelligerents were concerned, the provisions should be suspended in regard to manufacture and traffic in behalf of or to belligerents. Several delegates stated that it was inconceivable to imagine the continuance of publicity in relation to production for or shipments to belligerents. It was felt that only by such a frank facing of the realities and by adapting the text thereto could the treaty structure be practically preserved in time of war.

The discussion will continue on Monday.
