The Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aziz Izzet) to the American Minister in Egypt (Fish)13
Mr. Minister: According to the replies already received to the Circular No. 27 of October 12, 1934, regarding the right of Egyptian judges to preside over Chambers and the use of the Arabic language in the drafting of judgments, it appears that as regards the first of these two questions the Powers would regard with favor the admission of Egyptian judges to the presidency on the condition that the Regulations for the Judicial Organization be modified in this sense.
The Egyptian Government, while maintaining its point of view set forth in the above-mentioned Circular, does not consider that a divergence of views regarding the interpretation of the Regulations should prevent a change in the present practice.
In consequence, it submits for the approval of the interested Powers the text of an amendment to the Regulations for the Judicial Organization, in order that it may be promulgated before the opening of the judicial year 1935–1936. This amendment consists of inserting in the Regulations for the Judicial Organization an Article 3 bis worded as follows:
“After the appointment of their Vice Presidents, the Court (of Appeals), and the Tribunals subject to the approval of the Court (of Appeals), will designate the judges who are to preside over trials, without taking into consideration either their nationality or seniority.”
I should be grateful to you, Mr. Minister, if you would be good enough to communicate the foregoing to the American Government and inform me as soon as possible of its reply.
I avail myself [etc.]
- Transmitted to the Department by the Minister in Egypt in his despatch No. 312, July 23; received August 7.↩