The Secretary of State to the Secretary General of the Nansen International Office for Refugees (Johnson)
The Secretary of State of the United States of America has received, with appreciation, the letter of the Secretary General of the Nansen International Office for Refugees, dated August 9, 1935, submitting suggestions relative to the possibility of settling certain refugees upon the territory of the United States and elaborating upon the letter of the Secretary General of the League of Nations, dated July 19, 1935,5 upon the same subject. The information respecting the refugees and the methods of settlement, which is set forth in the letter of the Secretary General of the Nansen International Office, was noted with interest. It is believed, however, that the position of the American Government in this matter was explained in the memorandum it transmitted in reply to the Secretary General of the League of Nations under date of August 12, 1935, for submission to the Nansen International Office. In view of this reply, it would not appear that a detailed answer to the questions raised concerning Governmental assistance in the settlement of refugees would serve any useful purpose at this time.