500.A15A5/512: Telegram

President Roosevelt to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Bingham)

317. On my return I find British invitation for formal five party naval conference, December 2d. This as I understand it is not a mere continuance of recent conversations which were handled through normal diplomatic channels, but seeks to arrive at an agreement and actually to sign a multilateral treaty. In view of this I cannot quite understand the British suggestion for representation of each nation solely by its ambassador to London, because in all similar precedents each nation has been represented by a special national delegation. Can you give me information or side-light on this; also on newspaper report that British dominions will be represented at conference; also any information as to who will represent Japan, France and Italy? Has it been made clear to British prior to our acceptance that they [Page 132] agree to the stipulations in our cables Nos. 300, October 14, 6 p.m. and 315, October 24, 9 p.m. on naval details.
