
The Panamanian Minister ( Alfaro ) to the Assistant Secretary of State ( Welles )


Dear Mr. Welles: With the purpose of advancing the preliminary conversations that we have been holding recently concerning the questions still pending between Panama and the United States, I have the pleasure of sending you herewith the following documents:13

A draft convention on radio communications, which my Government proposes after having considered the draft that you submitted to me on the 25th of August, last.

A draft of an article that my Government proposes on several of the points concerning the relations created by the construction of the canal.

[Page 592]

It would give me much pleasure to exchange ideas with you on these two drafts and amplify them with the verbal explanations necessary, as soon as you advise me of your desire to have with me another interview for this purpose.

With the renewed assurances [etc.]

R. J.Alfaro
  1. None printed.