The Secretary of State to the Mexican Chargé (Padilla-Nervo)
Sir: I refer to your note No. 001 of January 2, 1934, in regard to certain construction work which you stated was being done on the left bank of the Rio Grande near the town of Presidio, Texas, apparently in violation of Article III of the Convention of November 12, 1884, which prohibits the building of obstructions which may tend to deflect the current or produce deposits of alluvium.
A report dated January 11, 1934, has now been received from Boundary Commissioner Lawson,10 from which it appears that he is cooperating with the Mexican Commissioner in this matter. Mr. Lawson informs the Department that the temporary suspension of the work in reference has been ordered and that the American Section of the Commission will advise the local officials in chargé of the work on the [Page 479] American side of the river concerning the provisions of existing treaties bearing upon permitted and prohibited works, including the provisions of Article III of the Convention of November 12, 1884. The Commissioner further states that upon compliance with these provisions by the officials in chargé of the work the temporary suspension which he has effected will be terminated.
Accept [etc.]
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