Executive Agreement Series No. 57
The Mexican Chargé (Campos-Ortiz) to the Secretary of State
Mr. Secretary: In conformity with the provision of paragraph (a) of Clause Six of the Protocol relating to claims presented before the General Claims Commission, signed on April 24, 1934, which states: “The time allowed for the completion of the pleadings and briefs shall be two years counting from a date hereafter to be agreed upon by the two governments by an exchange of notes, which shall not be later than November 1, 1934” and taking into account that the extension of time granted by the Mexican Government to that of the United States in Note No. 6509 of September 26, 1934,6 expires on the first of February, both governments, for the purposes of the clause above mentioned, consider as initiated as of this date and by means of the exchange of these identic notes the period of two years to which the said provision of the Protocol refers.
I avail myself [etc.]
- Notes exchanged September 25, 1934, and September 26, 1934, extending the beginning of the exchange of pleadings from November 1, 1934, to February 1, 1935, not printed (411.12/1902).↩