411.12/1785: Telegram
The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:54 p.m.]
41. Referring to Department’s telegram No. 50, April 11, 11 a.m., Department’s suggested addition to fourth paragraph of article No. IV is acceptable to Foreign Office which in turn suggests the following addition to follow Department’s paragraph: “In the latter event, the claims improperly eliminated in the opinion of the Commissioners or Umpire, shall be settled and adjusted by the same en bloc procedure prescribed by this Convention for all claims registered with the Special Commission.”
Foreign Office suggests another addition in said paragraph. Refer to enclosure 3, despatch 1277 [1267]91 page 3 line 26, after the words “the determination[s]”92 add “by the representatives of both Governments referred to in article V of the Convention.” Line 30 should read “prejudge the jurisdiction in, et cetera.”93
Regarding Department’s change in article I, Foreign Minister still considers that it raises a new issue and increases Mexico’s anticipated estimated liability in the settlement with the United States. Consequently he must consult President before giving an answer which he hopes to do this afternoon.