411.12/1769: Telegram
The Chargé in Mexico (Hawks) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:30 p.m.]
30. Referring to Department’s telegram No. 37, March 21, 1 p.m. As Embassy’s No. 1224, March 16, 193461 is not mentioned in the Department’s telegram it would seem that despatch had not been received at the time the Department’s instructions were drafted and that reasons advanced by the Foreign Office for suggested changes and discussed in enclosure 6 of despatch had not been taken into consideration. Does reading of despatch and enclosure change the point of view of the Department?
In connection with special convention mentioned in paragraph 8 of the Department’s telegram the Embassy does not understand “Notes your recommendations regarding Santa Isabel cases”. It has refrained so far from submitting to the Department any reasons pending receipt of an official answer from the Foreign Office. The Embassy has only transmitted the first impression of the Foreign Minister as communicated verbally to the Ambassador. Foreign Minister informed Embassy on March 17 that as President was not returning to Mexico City as originally planned the question of the protocol and convention would be taken up through the Secretary to the President [Page 441] who left Mexico City this morning to confer with the Executive and that the Embassy would be advised as soon as decision of the President was known.
- Despatch and its enclosures not printed.↩