
The Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels) to the Secretary of State

No. 1729

Sir: With reference to my despatch number 1679 of August 10, 1934,4 in which I reported a conversation with the Minister for Foreign Affairs regarding the pressure that is being brought to bear on the President and on the Foreign Office for the conclusion of a reciprocal tariff agreement on winter vegetables, I have the honor to report that the recent signing of the reciprocal tariff agreement between the United States and Cuba5 has, according to Doctor Puig, precipitated further pressure on the Government from the interests in the northwestern part of the Republic.

Doctor Puig told me yesterday that the growers of tomatoes and winter vegetables in that section of Mexico were writing to the Foreign Office urging that the matter of reciprocity between Mexico and the United States be pressed, so that the Mexican growers could receive the same treatment for their products, which would be on the market next winter, as has been accorded to Cuba. I judged, more from the way he talked than from his words, that the growers in the northwestern part of Mexico were pressing his Ministry for action.

Respectfully yours,

Josephus Daniels
  1. Not printed.
  2. For text of agreement, see p. 169.