838.516/295: Telegram
The Minister in Haiti (Armour) to the Secretary of State
59. Department’s telegram No. 45. De la Rue consulted me before replying to Lancaster’s request for his opinion and I concur in views set forth in the following telegram sent by De la Rue yesterday:
“Personal. Lancaster. Referring to your telegram of the 5th all of us have consulted together this morning. We think 60 days should be sufficient but may not be and in view of complications changing fixed date all recommend 90 days extension.81 I suggest that difficulty in making audit, preparing transfer, et cetera, if passage delayed in September, justifies strong representation in communicating accord agreeing to 90 days urging passage at earliest date possible. Government’s position has improved although opinions still very mixed as to chance of ratification but believe that every assistance should be given Executive. S. de la Rue.”