
The Cuban Ambassador (Márquez Sterling) to the Secretary of State

No. 131

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s kind note of July 7, 1934, with which you were good enough to send me two copies of the Press Release of June 29, which contains the text of the letter on the restriction of exports of arms and [Page 188] munitions of war to Cuba addressed by Your Excellency to His Excellency the President on that date, the text of the President’s Proclamation making such restriction effective, and the text of the rules prescribed by Your Excellency governing the issuance of export permits.

Your Excellency calls attention particularly to the first paragraph of the said rules, which appears on page 3 of the Press Release, whereby it is provided that the Department will not issue permits for the exportation of arms and munitions of war unless it has been advised by this Embassy that it is the desire of the Government of Cuba that their shipment be authorized.

This Embassy has requested its Government to be good enough to give it direct and specific instructions on each case when it desires the shipment of arms and munitions of war, and it is now receiving them, having accordingly transmitted some applications for shipping authorizations to Your Excellency recently.

I thank Your Excellency, in the name of my Government, for the interest that has been taken in this matter, as you note in your letter to His Excellency the President, on behalf of the maintenance of peace and tranquility in Cuba.

I avail myself [etc.]

M. Márquez Sterling