
The Secretary of War (Dern) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: In accordance with letter from Mr. Edwin C. Wilson to the Chief of the Washington Office of The Panama Canal, dated the 7th instant, submitting draft of a radiogram to be sent to the Governor of The Panama Canal respecting the Peruvian Transport Rimac, the following radiogram was sent to the Governor on the 7th instant in code:

“Strictly Confidential—Following sent at request of Edwin C. Wilson of State Department:

‘The Department of State has been advised by the Peruvian Ambassador that the Peruvian Transport Rimac will reach the port of Balboa approximately on the 9th of this month. The Ambassador does not indicate what facilities, if any, may be requested for the ship. The Department of State considers that developments between Perú and Colombia make it advisable to follow strictly the policy set out in State Department’s letter to the War Department of January 20, 1933,6 namely, that no facilities of any nature of this Government should be placed at the disposal of either the Government of Colombia or the Government of Perú which would assist them in their preparations for possible hostilities.’

“See our letter of January 21, 1933 transmitting State Department letter January 20th and other correspondence.”

The following self-explanatory radio reply has been received from the Governor in code, dated the 9th instant: [Page 380]

“Strictly Confidential—Yours 7th Peruvian Transport Rimac. Note that above radio was not forwarded through Secretary of War. For his information desire state arrangements were made by representatives Peruvian Navy and Canal to re-boiler and general overhaul Cruiser Bolognesi and dock and overhaul two ex-Esthonian destroyers. Bolognesi now enroute Balboa and will be informed on arrival limitation placed on work by Canal.”

Sincerely yours,

Geo. H. Dern
  1. See letter of January 20, 1933, to the Secretary of the Navy, ibid., 1933, vol. iv, p. 412.