721.23/2402: Telegram
The Chargé in Colombia (Washington) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:26 p.m.]
103. My telegram No. 100, December 10, noon. Senate Foreign Relations Committee has named Fabio Lozano and one other to draft a majority report which will not be submitted to Senate until the end of this week.
Though President López has expressed himself to be favorable to the Pact, he has stated that he will do nothing to influence the decision of Congress.
Guillermo Valencia, one of the signers of the Pact, remains in Popayán, declining the Senate’s invitation to appear before it to defend his work.
Pact is considered safe in the House. In the Senate with Liberal Lozano in opposition and Conservative Urdaneta voting with the [Page 371] Liberals and Pomanistas in favor of the Pact as it stands, the remaining Conservative Senators led by Laureano Gómez can cause a tie in a decisive vote.
Important factors are Gómez’ personal hatred of Olaya and Urdaneta, the desire of all the legislators to force the President to summon another extraordinary session of Congress after the termination of the present one on December 31, and the maneuvers of the Conservatives to increase their power over the Government. They may allow the Pact to pass after they have secured some concessions from the Liberals, but as yet they show no sign of being influenced by considerations of internationalism.