721.23/2401: Telegram

The Chargé in Colombia (Washington) to the Secretary of State

100. Roberto Urdaneta yesterday resigned as Minister for Foreign Affairs stating that as the congressional committees had terminated their study of the Bio de Janeiro Pact he wished to assume his seat in the Senate for the purpose of defending it.

Rio de Janeiro Pact is encountering unexpected difficulties in the Colombian Congress due entirely to domestic politics. Besides Fabio Lozano and Pedro Maria Carreno who are the leading opponents it is understood that Laureano Gómez has decided to support some amendments to articles 2 and 7. Last week Chancellor Urdaneta told Minister Whitehouse that his substitute in the Senate who is a follower of Laureano might not support the Pact without amendments and that if the opposition appeared too strong he might resign from the Cabinet and assume his Senate seat. His now having taken this step indicates that the situation is one to cause concern. As the Pact will probably be returned today by the Senate Committee to the floor of that body it is believed that more definite information regarding the line-up among the Senators may be available within a few days.

You might consider the advisability of explaining personally concern regarding matter to the Colombian Chargé d’Affaires in Washington who would undoubtedly communicate with his father-in-law, Dr. Carreno who is one of the leading opponents of the Pact.
