724.3415/3906: Telegram

The Ambassador in Chile (Sevier) to the Secretary of State

59. In conversation this morning with the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cruchaga alluded to the increasing tension between Chile and Paraguay brought about by the resentment of Paraguay on account of the recruiting by Bolivia of Chilean laborers as well as retired officers (see Embassy’s despatches 114, May 19th and 141, July 7th1). He stated that the Paraguayan Minister in Santiago had been transferred to Lima although the date of his departure has not yet been fixed. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has been unable to obtain any assurances that the Paraguayan Minister will be replaced and is extremely worried lest the Paraguayan Legation be left vacant. He stated that in this case his Government might feel compelled to withdraw the Chilean Minister from Asunción. He emphasized that should this situation arise it would be interpreted in many quarters as a rupture of diplomatic relations and increase the tension already existing. He explained that he was endeavoring as a gesture to appease Paraguay to secure legislation which would enable the Government to prevent the practice mentioned in the first sentence. He added that while he realized the question of representations on the part of the Government of the United States to the Government of Paraguay would be extremely delicate and might in fact be inadvisable, nevertheless he hoped that possibly in the interest of peace some high official of the Department might in conversation with the Paraguayan Minister at Washington inform the latter that according to advices received from Santiago the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs is very preoccupied with the situation.

The Brazilian Ambassador informs me that his Government either has already or will shortly approach the Paraguayan Government discreetly regarding this matter.

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The Embassy is convinced that Chile has fully complied with its neutrality obligations and sincerely desires to avoid any friction with either of the belligerents.

  1. Neither printed.