893.6363 Manchuria/20: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)

112. Your 142, July 3, 6 p.m. You are authorized to make informal representations6 substantially similar to those made by your British colleague, except with respect to statements made by the British Ambassador in paragraph (E) of the British aide-mémoire. In this connection, [Page 715] the Department considers it unnecessary and inadvisable to have the American Consul General at Mukden make at this time to the Manchukuo régime any statements in regard to the matter. Department suggests that you emphasize that the proposed monopoly would contravene Article 3 of the Nine-Power Treaty as well as Article 15 of the Sino-American Treaty of 1844 and Article 14 of the Sino-French Treaty of 1858 and would violate the principle of the open door which Japan is committed to uphold and which it has declared that it will uphold.

Repeat to Peiping as Department’s No. 198, 7 p.m. in reply to its 286, July 2, 5 p.m.

  1. For text of American informal memorandum to the Japanese Foreign Office, dated July 7, 1934, see Foreign Relations, Japan, 1931–1941, vol. i, p. 130.