- Political developments in Japan and efforts to improve relations with the
United States (Documents 536–579)
- Protection of Japanese lives and property in the State of Arizona (Documents 580–592)
- Representations on establishment of oil monopolies in Japan and
Manchuria (Documents 593–702)
- Trade relations between the United States and Japan; voluntary restriction
of exports to the United States by the Japanese (Documents 703–719)
- Disapproval by Japanese Government of action by Mayor of Dairen in seeking
contributions for air defense (Documents 720–723)
- Protection of contract rights of the Oriental Consolidated Mining Company,
an American firm operating in Korea (Documents 724–731)
- Representations by the Japanese Government on behalf of Japanese steamship
companies subject to United States war profits tax for the years 1918 and
1919 (Documents 732–739)
- Proposed reciprocal arrangement for free importation of articles for
personal use of consular officers; suggestions for a consular convention
between the United States and Japan (Documents 740–744)