Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs (Hornbeck)
The Japanese Chargé called on me by appointment and stated that he had received an account from his Government of an unfortunate incident at Mukden. He then gave a narrative of the intrusion by the Japanese youth at Mukden into the American Consulate General and the attempted assault upon Vice Consul Hall,52 at the conclusion of which he stated that his Government regretted this and he wished to express his own regret. I stated that we felt that the incident was very unfortunate and that I appreciated his having come and having expressed regret.53
Mr. Fujii then said that he wished to give me a memorandum54 with regard to a question of income taxes in this country of Japanese shipping companies. At that point I asked whether I might have Mr. Dooman55 hear what Mr. Fujii had to say with regard to that matter, and, with Mr. Fujii’s assent, I called Mr. Dooman in. This matter is dealt with in a separate memorandum.56