893.102 Ku/26: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

525. Reference Legation’s despatches 2979, September 14th and 3034, October 12th28 regarding status Kuling Estate. British Legation has received authorizations to instruct its Consul General at Hankow that he may conclude the agreement in accordance with the terms of the draft provided he is able to secure the concurrence of his interested colleagues and the approval of the Council the Kuling Estate acting on behalf of foreign lot holders concerned. British Foreign Office has suggested, however, that in order to make clear that British Consul General is not acting on behalf of the British Government the preamble be changed to read “the Council of the Kuling Estate being desirous, et cetera, His Majesty’s Consul General hereby enters, et cetera,” subject to suitable modification if the other interested Consuls wish to be included.

The Legation is disposed to authorize Stanton29 to concur in the conclusion of the agreement, but in view of the original British ownership of the head-deeds, and consequent willingness of the British to make the agreement a purely Sino-British one, the Legation does not believe that reference in the preamble to the American company is essential, and would be inclined to authorize its omission. The Department’s instructions are however requested.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Edwin F. Stanton, Consul at Hankow.