893.00/12776: Telegram

The Minister in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

334. Legation has sent following telegram to the Commander in Chief of the United States Asiatic Fleet:

“August 2, 4 p.m. Following three telegrams have been received from the American Consul at Foochow:

‘August 1, 2 p.m. Provincial government source confirms that communist bandits numbering between 1,000 and 2,000 have reached the Min River just above Shuikow which is half way between Yenping and Foochow. Also that Communists have surrounded Yuki which is 40 miles south of Yenping. Telegraph line between Foochow and Yenping cut.

Chinese authorities assert that Americans in Yenping, Kienningfu and Kienyang are not in danger.

Foochow not thought to be endangered for the present at least.

August 2, 1 a.m. Japanese Consul General informed consular body tonight that Chairman Chen Yi advised him that Shuikow fell to Communists at 5 p.m., August 1st. Japanese Consul General also said that at midnight tonight some Communists had already reached Paisha, which is on Min River approximately half way between Foochow and Shuikow.

August 2, 10 a.m. In view of the uncertainty of the situation and the desirability of having a sure means of communication I think the presence of a United States naval vessel at Foochow highly desirable. My Japanese, French and British colleagues have also requested naval vessels.’”

2. Legation agrees with Consul as to desirability of presence of American naval vessel at Pagoda Anchorage.

Foochow informed.
