
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Grew)21

No. 565

The Secretary of State refers to the Department’s instruction No. 466, of February 26, 1934,22 and encloses herewith, for the information of the American Embassy at Tokyo, a copy of League document No. O.C. 1565, which is the reply of the Japanese Government to Circular Letter No. C.L.30.1934.XL, in regard to the recommendations of the Council of the League of Nations in respect of supervision of the traffic in narcotic drugs to Manchuria and Jehol. A copy is also enclosed of letter No. 30(e).1934.XI., dated March 19, 1934, from the Secretary General of the League of Nations to the Minister of Foreign Affairs at Tokyo.

[Enclosure 1]

Translation of Letter From the Japanese Consul General at Geneva (Yokoyama) to the Secretary General of the League of Nations (Avenol)

Sir: In reply to your circular letter (C.L.30(e).1934.XI) of March 19th last concerning the control of the trade in opium and other dangerous drugs with Manchukuo, I am instructed by my Government to inform you that all applications for the export of substances covered by the Conventions are examined very carefully and that my Government will pursue the same policy as regards the trade in opium and other dangerous drugs with Manchukuo.

With reference to the application of the Hague Convention to the territory of Manchukuo, the Japanese Government wishes to point out that, having recognised Manchukuo as an independent State, it cannot agree with the views expressed by the Council in the circular letter mentioned above, namely, that exports of opium to the territory in question cannot be authorised. My Government is of opinion that permits to export the above-named substances to Manchukuo are valid and legal if they are issued in accordance with the provisions of the International Conventions governing the matter.

I have [etc.]

M. Yokoyama
[Page 366]
[Enclosure 2]

The Secretary General of the League of Nations (Avenol) to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Hirota)

Your Excellency: On January 20th, 1934, the Council of the League of Nations considered certain suggestions made by the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs at its seventeenth session (October 30th–November 9th, 1933) in regard to the control of the opium and drug traffic with Manchuria and Jehol, territory also known as “Manchukuo”. In accordance with the suggestions of the Advisory Committee, the Council instructed the Secretary-General to draw the attention of the chief producing and manufacturing countries to the necessity of supervising most strictly any application for the introduction of narcotics into this territory. The Council further pointed out that it is understood, in accordance with Articles 3, 8 and 15 of the Hague Convention of 1912, that exports of opium (raw and prepared) to the territory in question cannot be authorised.

I have the honour, therefore, in accordance with the instructions of the Council, to draw the attention of your Government to this matter and would refer you to the report to the Council on the work of the seventeenth session of the Opium Advisory Committee (document C.642.M305.1933.XI) and the Minutes of the Council’s meeting on January 20th, 1934, copies of which have already been communicated to your Government.

I have [etc.]

For the Secretary-General:
[Signature not indicated]
Director of the Opium Traffic and Social Questions Sections
  1. The same, mutatis mutandis, to the Minister in China as Department’s No. 1425, August 8.
  2. Not printed; it transmitted copy of despatch No. 796 Political, January 27, from the Consul at Geneva, p. 349.