The Ambassador in Argentina (Weddell) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 16.]
Sir: With reference to Mr. White’s despatch No. 2208 of August 25, 1933,90 in which he made reference to the commercial treaty between Argentina and Chile,91 I have the honor to report that the Senate on September 29 sanctioned the treaty already passed by the Chamber of Deputies.
The Department is already in possession of a translation of the treaty which accompanied despatch No. 1486 of June 21, 1933 from the Embassy at Santiago, Chile.90 For the original text the Department is referred to the Diario de Sesiones of the Senate, September 29, 1933, Forty-eighth Reunion, continuation of the Thirtieth Ordinary Session, pages 1694–1697.
As the treaty had already been approved by both Chambers of the Chilean Congress, it only remains for the final ratifications to be exchanged in Santiago, Chile, in accordance with Article 14 thereof.
It is to be presumed that the exchange of ratifications will not be unduly delayed, in order to enable Argentina and Chile to avail themselves, as soon as possible, of such benefits as the treaty confers.
Respectfully yours,