The Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 30.]
Sir: With reference to the Department’s telegraphic instruction No. 6 of January 17, 4 p.m., and to my telegram No. 9 of January 18, 5 p.m., both relating to the position taken by the American Government with relation to the modus vivendi between Argentina and Chile, I have the honor to report that I talked again with the Minister for Foreign Affairs regarding this subject yesterday afternoon, and in this respect beg to enclose a copy of the memorandum of our conversation.48 I had also brought up the matter with the Minister the week previous but without obtaining, I regret to say, a more satisfactory answer than he gave in our talk yesterday afternoon.
I have indicated to him on two occasions my impression that his attitude was one of procrastination, an attitude assumed because of the short duration of the modus vivendi, with the desire to prolong the discussion of the matter until the expiration of the life of the modus vivendi. I am hopeful, however, that the answer he has promised me will be forthcoming within the next few days.
In this connection, I beg leave to forward (in copy and translation) an editorial from La Prensa48 censuring the Minister for Foreign Affairs for having concluded the modus vivendi with Chile. Other newspapers have also attacked him on this ground and numerous Argentines, including officials, have expressed to me their opinion that the modus vivendi with Chile was a mistaken action on the part of the Government.
There are also enclosed a brief summary, in translation,48 of an editorial from La Nacion on the modus vivendi. La Prensa of January 13 urged in an editorial the establishment of a customs union with Chile, advancing the argument that one of the advantages to be obtained would be the opening to free trade of a territory greater than that of the United States, with the result that commerce in the two countries would increase as it has done in the United States.
Respectfully yours,