611.3531/108: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Argentina (Bliss)
79. Your 104, December 1, noon. If the tariff reductions extended by Argentina were confined to those granted Chile under modus vivendi, Department would stand on position in regard to American-Argentine treaty of July 27, 1853, taken in its 13, February 5, 10 a.m.45 But these reductions have been extended to Great Britain, France and Italy under most-favored-nation clauses, not for equivalent concessions. This Government regards such extension of favors as gratuitous within the meaning of Article III, Treaty of 1853. Consequently American products are entitled under the treaty to the treatment accorded the countries receiving concessions by virtue of any most-favored-nation clause, conditional or unconditional.
Please press representations, in accord with foregoing interpretation.