
The Minister in Guatemala (Whitehouse) to the Secretary of State

No. 909

Sir: In accordance with your instruction No. 260 of January 27th last,10 the Legation wrote to the Guatemalan Foreign Office with reference to reaching an agreement on commercial aviation with the [Page 615] parties to the Habana Convention, and I have the honor to report that I am now in receipt of a reply from the Guatemalan Government, dated March 27th, a copy and translation of which are enclosed. The substance of this reply is that in time of peace duly licensed airships have free passage over Guatemalan territory provided they observe the rules laid down in the present regulations and, if the nationality of the airship is that of a country which has a treaty with Guatemala on aerial navigation, it will receive its clearance papers from the Guatemalan Consulate before departure.

Respectfully yours,

Sheldon Whitehouse

The Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs (Skinner Klée) to the American Minister (Whitehouse)

No. 2809
369.4 (73–0)

Mr. Minister: Referring to your Legation’s courteous note, dated February 14 last, in regard to the Convention on Commercial Aviation which was entered into at Habana, Cuba, I have the honor to transcribe to Your Excellency the report given on the 24th of this month by the General Bureau of Aeronautics:

Mr. Secretary: In compliance with your recent inquiry which resulted from the request made to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Legation of the United States of America in this capital with the object of obtaining from the aeronautic officials a statement with respect to the requisitions which the Government of Guatemala demands for the entry and departure of airships, I have the honor to inform you that: in accordance with Article 13 of the Civil Aviation Regulations of Guatemala,—“In time of peace, airships of any nationality which are duly licensed shall have free passage above national territory, provided that they observe the rules laid down in the present Regulation”; and, based on that law, this Bureau states that one of the necessary formalities or requirements is, as stated in Article 55 of the above mentioned regulation, which literally says, “If the nationality of the civil airship which desires to fly over Guatemalan territory is that of a country which has a treaty with Guatemala on the subject of aerial navigation, it shall be cleared by the Guatemalan Consul at the point of departure, in accordance with the fixed agreement, it being specified that it is not an apparatus which is going to serve on a regular international aerial line in Guatemala and the purpose of the journey stated. Airships of companies which serve on regular lines duly controlled by the General Bureau of Aeronautics do not need to comply with the aforegoing requirement”.

I express my high consideration, (s) J. Victor Mejía.

I avail myself [etc.]

A. Skinner Klée
  1. The same, mutatis mutandis, as instruction No. 150, January 27, to the Minister in the Dominican Republic, p. 609.